
Cov khoom

Hot Tags: tshiab khoom Salon txiv neej siv Baber plaub hau trimmer Electric plaub hau Clipper

Hua jiang cov cuab yeej siv plaub hau pab ua tus kws txiav plaub hau nto mooZoo siab txais tos rau peb lub khw, peb mob siab rau muab cov khoom lag luam zoo nrog tus nqi lag luam wholesale zoo thiab xa khoom sai.Peb lub tuam txhab muaj kev lav zoo zoo tshaj plaws thiab kev pabcuam tomqab muag los pab xyuas kom tus neeg siv khoom tau txais kev siv ntau npaum li qhov ua tau ntawm lawv qhov kev yuav khoom.Thiab cov khoom tuaj yeem kho nrog OEM / ODM, cov txheej txheem yog raws li hauv qab no:2121 ib

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Xav tias tag nrho cov luag num kom ua tau raws li txhua qhov kev hu rau peb cov neeg siv khoom;paub txog kev nce qib tsis tu ncua los ntawm kev lag luam kev nce qib ntawm peb cov neeg siv khoom;turn out to be the final permanent cooperative partner of clientele and maximize the interests of clients for Hot New Products Salon Txiv neej Siv Baber Hair Trimmer Electric Hair Clipper, Kom zoo dua nthuav kev lag luam qhov chaw, peb sincerely caw ambitious cov neeg thiab cov neeg muab kev pab rau affix raws li ib tug neeg sawv cev.
Xav tias tag nrho cov luag num kom ua tau raws li txhua qhov kev hu rau peb cov neeg siv khoom;paub txog kev nce qib tsis tu ncua los ntawm kev lag luam kev nce qib ntawm peb cov neeg siv khoom;tig los ua qhov kawg kev koom tes ruaj khov ntawm cov neeg siv khoom thiab ua kom muaj txiaj ntsig zoo ntawm cov neeg siv khoomTuam Tshoj Cov plaub hau Trimmer Hniav thiab Industrial Ceramic Blades nqe, High tso zis ntim, sab saum toj zoo, raws sij hawm tus me nyuam thiab koj txaus siab yog guaranteed.Peb txais tos txhua yam lus nug thiab lus pom.Peb kuj muab kev pabcuam chaw ua haujlwm-uas ua tus neeg sawv cev hauv Suav teb rau peb cov neeg siv khoom.Yog tias koj txaus siab rau ib qho ntawm peb cov khoom lossis muaj OEM xaj kom ua tiav, nco ntsoov tiv tauj peb tam sim no.Ua haujlwm nrog peb yuav txuag koj nyiaj thiab sijhawm.

Product Description

High Quality Hair Cut Machine

● Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) yas lub cev khoom

● 2600MAH ua haujlwm siab lithium-ion roj teeb.

● 9Cr18 stainless hlau.

● Standard thawj charger

● Hnav tsis kam

Cov khoom siv lub cev yog Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) yas, uas yog cov khoom siv yas rov ua dua tshiab uas nws tus kheej tuaj yeem rov ua dua tshiab.Thiab ntau ruaj, ntev ntev, thiab yooj yim rau recycle.

zoo tshaj plaub hau txiav tshuab
ZSZ F35 plaub hau txiav tshuab-7

Nws suav nrog 2600MAH lithium roj teeb uas tuaj yeem them sai sai nrog 3-teev them ceev txog li 100 thaum tso cai rau 5 teev ntawm kev siv tas li.Thiab tuaj yeem siv thaum them nyiaj.

Ob leeg feature 9Cr18 steel tsau hniav + txav tau cov hniav nrog rau cov hniav ntev thiab luv, uas qhia qhov tsim tau zoo heev.9Cr18 stainless hlau ntxiv me ntsis ntxiv zog thiab toughness, nrog rau tseem ceeb hnav tsis kam.

Standard thawj charger nrog 1.5MM 3MM 4.5MM 6MM 7.5MM 9MM 12MM adjustable phau ntawv comb.Tsis muaj teeb meem dab tsi koj xav tau, tus txiv neej cov plaub hau clipper no yuav ua tau raws li koj xav tau.Pab tau tiag tiag!Nws tseem muaj cov roj lubricating thiab cov roj txhuam me me, uas yooj yim rau koj tswj tau txhua lub sijhawm.

ZSZ F35 plaub hau txiav tshuab-4

Khoom Parameter

Qauv No


Lub zog

them thiab ntsaws

Hom hniav taub hau

9 nc18

Lub sijhawm them nyiaj


Kev kho lub taub hau

0.2-2.8 hli

Muaj sijhawm siv


Hwj chim

18 W

Roj teeb muaj peev xwm

2600 mA

Universal voltage


Khoom siv lub cev

Eco-phooj ywg yas ABS

Khoom loj

4.5 * 18 cm

Khoom hnyav

271g ua

Xav tias tag nrho cov luag num kom ua tau raws li txhua qhov kev hu rau peb cov neeg siv khoom;paub txog kev nce qib tsis tu ncua los ntawm kev lag luam kev nce qib ntawm peb cov neeg siv khoom;turn out to be the final permanent cooperative partner of clientele and maximize the interests of clients for Hot New Products Salon Txiv neej Siv Baber Hair Trimmer Electric Hair Clipper, Kom zoo dua nthuav kev lag luam qhov chaw, peb sincerely caw ambitious cov neeg thiab cov neeg muab kev pab rau affix raws li ib tug neeg sawv cev.
Cov Khoom Kub Kub TshiabTuam Tshoj Cov plaub hau Trimmer Hniav thiab Industrial Ceramic Blades nqe, High tso zis ntim, sab saum toj zoo, raws sij hawm tus me nyuam thiab koj txaus siab yog guaranteed.Peb txais tos txhua yam lus nug thiab lus pom.Peb kuj muab kev pabcuam chaw ua haujlwm-uas ua tus neeg sawv cev hauv Suav teb rau peb cov neeg siv khoom.Yog tias koj txaus siab rau ib qho ntawm peb cov khoom lossis muaj OEM xaj kom ua tiav, nco ntsoov tiv tauj peb tam sim no.Ua haujlwm nrog peb yuav txuag koj nyiaj thiab sijhawm.