We've been commitment to offer the competitive rate ,outstanding merchandise good quality, too as fast delivery for Good Quality Professional Pet Hair Trimmer Set Grooming Dog Hair Clipper Trimmer, Peb zoo siab txais tos cov neeg siv khoom los ntawm txhua qhov chaw hauv ntiaj teb los tsim kom muaj kev ruaj ntseg thiab kev pab cuam me me. cov koom haum ua lag luam, kom muaj kev vam meej yav tom ntej nrog ib leeg.
Peb tau cog lus los muab cov nqi sib tw, cov khoom lag luam zoo tshaj plaws, thiab xa khoom sai rauTuam Tshoj Dog Comb thiab Cat Comb nqe, Qhov zoo tshaj plaws thiab qub zoo rau cov khoom seem yog qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws rau kev thauj mus los.Peb tuaj yeem muab cov khoom qub thiab cov khoom zoo txawm tias me ntsis nyiaj tau los.Vajtswv yuav foom koob hmoov rau peb kom ua siab zoo ua lag ua luam mus ib txhis.
Nrog 440C stainless hlau hniav, nws muaj kev ua haujlwm ntev ntev, ntse thiab ua haujlwm ntev, muab kev txiav plaub hau ceev, nyab xeeb thiab meej.Lub taub hau zoo steel cutter yog tsim rau ntau cov plaub hau tshem tawm, thiab cov plaub hau yuav tsis tau daig.
Ntshiab aluminium hlau plhaub tshuab, zoo dua tshav kub dissipation, kev nyab xeeb thiab ruaj khov
Ntshiab aluminium hlau plhaub tshuab, zoo dua tshav kub dissipation, kev nyab xeeb thiab ruaj khov.
Lub cev tag nrho muaj cov kab du, thiab txhais tes yuav tsis nkees tom qab siv mus ntev.Tsis tshua muaj suab nrov thiab tsis tshua muaj kev vibration, daws qhov teeb meem ntawm cov kws txiav plaub hau tuav lawv tes ntev.Ntiv nplhaib hooks hauv qab kom yooj yim cia.
3 teev them ceev, 5 teev ntawm kev siv tas li.Thiab tuaj yeem siv thaum them nyiaj.
Ergonomics tsim nrog tag nrho cov hlau vaj tse, uas yog haum los xyuas kom meej ib tug xis thiab ruaj ntseg tuav uas yog prefect rau cov kws txiav plaub hau thiab stylist.
Cov roj tank tsim ntawm rab riam rov qab yog tsim rau tshem tawm cov plaub hau loj, thiab cov roj taub hau maj mam hloov, thiab cov gradient yog ntshiab thiab dawb.
Khoom npe | Professional plaub hau Clipper |
TSIS MUAJ. | F50 |
Hom | ZSZ |
Kev kho lub taub hau | 1.5-4.5 hli |
Rechargeable roj teeb | 2000 mAh |
Hom roj teeb | Lub roj teeb lithium |
Khoom siv | Ntshiab aluminium hlau tsev |
Khoom loj | 4.5 * 18 cm |
Lub sijhawm them nyiaj | Txog 3h |
Lub sijhawm siv tau | cav 5h |
1.Clean: siv txhuam txhuam los ntxuav lub taub hau, tuav lub clipper thiab ntxuav cov plaub hau uas tau tso tseg ntawm sab saum toj thiab hauv qab ntawm cov hniav.
* Thov tsis txhob tshem lub cuab yeej lub taub hau, uas yuav ua rau muaj teeb meem
2.Txhim kho: tom qab ntxuav, thov txhaj 1-2 tee ntawm cov roj lubricating rau hauv lub taub hau txiav. Ceev faj tsis txhob ntxuav lub taub hau txiav.
1. Cov khoom no yog dab tsi?
Hluav taws xob cov plaub hau clippers ua haujlwm zoo ib yam li phau ntawv, tab sis yog tsav los ntawm lub tshuab hluav taws xob uas ua rau cov hniav oscillate ntawm ib sab mus rau sab.Lawv tau maj mam hloov cov plaub hau clippers hauv ntau lub tebchaws.Ob leeg sib nqus thiab pivot style clippers siv cov khoom sib nqus tau los ntawm winding tooj liab hlau nyob ib ncig ntawm cov hlau.Hloov tam sim no tsim ib lub voj voog uas nyiam thiab so kom txaus rau lub caij nplooj ntoos hlav los tsim kom muaj kev ceev thiab lub zog kom tsav lub cutter cutter hla lub combing hniav.
2. Vim li cas thiaj xaiv peb?
Txais qhov chaw lag luam wholesale, ncaj qha hu rau tus qauv kom tso qhov kev txiav txim rau tus me nyuam, me me kuj tuaj yeem ua lag luam wholesale, thiab xa khoom sai;
Peb muaj ntau yam kev xaiv thiab ntau yam kev xaiv.
3. Koj tuaj yeem yuav dab tsi ntawm peb?
Cov plaub hau Clipper, Poj niam shaver, Lint remover, Chav hlau, Cov khoom siv tu tsiaj tu tsiaj…
We've been commitment to offer the competitive rate ,outstanding merchandise good quality, too as fast delivery for Good Quality Professional Pet Hair Trimmer Set Grooming Dog Hair Clipper Trimmer, Peb zoo siab txais tos cov neeg siv khoom los ntawm txhua qhov chaw hauv ntiaj teb los tsim kom muaj kev ruaj ntseg thiab kev pab cuam me me. cov koom haum ua lag luam, kom muaj kev vam meej yav tom ntej nrog ib leeg.
Zoo ZooTuam Tshoj Dog Comb thiab Cat Comb nqe, Qhov zoo tshaj plaws thiab qub zoo rau cov khoom seem yog qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws rau kev thauj mus los.Peb tuaj yeem muab cov khoom qub thiab cov khoom zoo txawm tias me ntsis nyiaj tau los.Vajtswv yuav foom koob hmoov rau peb kom ua siab zoo ua lag ua luam mus ib txhis.