
Cov khoom

Tuam Tshoj Hoobkas rau Ntoo Clamp Comb Professional V Shaped Styling Hair Straightening Comb

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

We purpose to understand quality disfigurement in the creation and provide the ideal services to domestic and abroad shoppers wholeheartedly for Tuam Tshoj Factory for Wood Clamp Comb Professional V Shaped Styling Hair Straightening Comb, Zoo siab txais tos koj los yuav yog ib feem ntawm peb nrog ib leeg los ua koj lub koom haum yooj yim dua.Peb ib txwm yog koj tus khub zoo tshaj plaws thaum koj xav kom muaj koj tus kheej ua lag luam me.
Peb lub hom phiaj kom nkag siab txog qhov tsis zoo ntawm kev tsim khoom thiab muab cov kev pabcuam zoo tshaj plaws rau cov neeg siv khoom hauv tsev thiab txawv teb chaws lub siab dawb paug rauTuam Tshoj V Shaped Ncaj Zuag thiab Txhuam nqe, Tom qab 13 xyoos ntawm kev tshawb nrhiav thiab tsim cov kev daws teeb meem, peb lub hom phiaj tuaj yeem sawv cev rau ntau yam khoom uas muaj txiaj ntsig zoo hauv ntiaj teb kev ua lag luam.Peb tau ua tiav cov ntawv cog lus loj los ntawm ntau lub tebchaws xws li Lub Tebchaws Yelemees, Israel, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Ltalis, Argentina, Fabkis, Brazil, thiab lwm yam.Tej zaum koj yuav xav tias muaj kev nyab xeeb thiab txaus siab thaum koom tes nrog peb.

Product Description

Qhov kawg ionic plaub hau styler rau txhua hom plaub hau!

Ua tiav cov plaub hau smoothly du, flawlessly styled plaub hau nrog ib tug swb.

Sleek ncaj plaub hau, mos curls, los yog beachy nthwv dej - tsim txhua yam zoo nrog Ebolon Curl Ionic Styler.Nrog cov kws tshaj lij, kev tiv thaiv-frizz tourmaline-titanium daim hlau no cov plaub hau styler muab rau koj tias glossy, salon-style tiav uas koj yuav xav tau flaunt.

Tsim los nrog cov cuab yeej zoo tshaj plaws los tiv thaiv koj cov plaub hau los ntawm kev puas tsuaj thaum tshav kub kub, Ebolon Curl Ionic Styler yog tus qauv kub tiag tiag hauv cov plaub hau styling.

dub plaub hau Straightener Curling Iron -1

PTC ceramic cua sov phaj:high-zoo PTC + ceramic phaj txheej yog siv rau ntab cua sov phaj.

Negative-ion Technology:Locks nyob rau hauv cov plaub hau ntuj noo noo los tiv thaiv frizz & tangles ntev.Ua kom cov plaub hau hydrated thiab mos, thaum ntxiv ci ntsa iab rau nws ib yam nkaus.

Negative-ion Hair Straightener Curling Iron
dub plaub hau Straightener Curling Iron -4

2.2m Hlau:Yooj yim, nqaim tsim tso cai rau koj los tsim kom ze rau koj cov tawv taub hau kom zoo kawg nkaus styled los ntawm cov hauv paus hniav mus rau cov lus qhia.

Kev Ua Haujlwm Kub Kub:Nrog rau qhov kub siab tshaj plaws txog li 220 ° C (446 ° F), nws yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws rau styling tag nrho cov plaub hau tuab thiab textures yam tsis muaj kev txhawj xeeb ntawm kev puas tsuaj.

ntub thiab qhuav siv plaub hau Straightener Curling Iron
Ergonomic Design Hair Straightener Curling Hlau

Ergonomic Tsim:Nrog rau 360 ° tig qaum thiab tuav tau yooj yim, koj txaus siab rau kev nrawm, tsis muaj zog nrog peb Golden Curl Pro Ionic Styler.Nws yog lub teeb yuag & zoo meej rau kev mus ncig thiab!

Khoom Parameter



Kab ntev

2,2m ib


dub liab

Muaj nuj nqi

Tshwj xeeb rau cov plaub hau salon

Qhov hluav taws xob



2cm ua

Hwj chim

45-60 wb


30 cm


140-220 ℃

Cua sov lub cev

PTC ceramic

Khoom siv

PTC ceramic txheej

Hom plaub hau

ntub thiab qhuav

Cov kauj ruam rau kev siv:

1. Muab ib daig ntawm cov plaub hau thiab ncaj nrog (U splint lossis ca clamp) kom clamp nruab nrab ntawm cov plaub hau.

2. Tig lub splint 180-270 degrees thiab qhwv cov plaub hau nyob ib ncig ntawm lub splint rau 3 vib nas this.

3. rub lub splint cia maj mam thiab sib npaug mus rau qhov kawg ntawm cov plaub hau.

4. Ua kom tiav cov dynamic curls.

(1 feeb kev hloov pauv, ua rau koj cov plaub hau fashionable thiab dynamic)

We purpose to understand quality disfigurement in the creation and provide the ideal services to domestic and abroad shoppers wholeheartedly for Tuam Tshoj Factory for Wood Clamp Comb Professional V Shaped Styling Hair Straightening Comb, Zoo siab txais tos koj los yuav yog ib feem ntawm peb nrog ib leeg los ua koj lub koom haum yooj yim dua.Peb ib txwm yog koj tus khub zoo tshaj plaws thaum koj xav kom muaj koj tus kheej ua lag luam me.
Tuam Tshoj Hoobkas rauTuam Tshoj V Shaped Ncaj Zuag thiab Txhuam nqe, Tom qab 13 xyoos ntawm kev tshawb nrhiav thiab tsim cov kev daws teeb meem, peb lub hom phiaj tuaj yeem sawv cev rau ntau yam khoom uas muaj txiaj ntsig zoo hauv ntiaj teb kev ua lag luam.Peb tau ua tiav cov ntawv cog lus loj los ntawm ntau lub tebchaws xws li Lub Tebchaws Yelemees, Israel, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Ltalis, Argentina, Fabkis, Brazil, thiab lwm yam.Tej zaum koj yuav xav tias muaj kev nyab xeeb thiab txaus siab thaum koom tes nrog peb.